Sunday, January 30, 2011

so sorry.

to anybody that actually visits my blog, i apologize for the lack of posts. i have been ridiculously sick, and involved in ridiculous amounts of drama lately. i promise this week i will be on it more.

currently i'm watching "Holly's World" and doing floor ab exercises. i have been SLACKING you guys. however, do to my recent illnesses i've lost 5lbs :) haha just gotta make it stick :)

anyway, watching Holly's World, which takes place in Vegas is only getting me more motivated and excited :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

an open letter to kyle richards

Dear Kyle,
from what i, along with the rest of america, have seen on the show (the real housewives of beverly hills) must be, hands down, the luckiest woman in the world. You beautiful (dead ringer for demi moore), have long beautiful healthy looking hair, a wonderful family, financially stable, a beautiful house, and you have, what seems like THE BEST HOTTEST HUSBAND IN THE WORLD and you two look incandescently happy and in love.

for the sake of every woman in the world who has ever wanted any one of these things...please treasure it, count your blessings and never let go of what you have. i envy you.